Friday, June 15, 2012

the facebook phenomenon

I have this friend who was dating this boy. She's a little older. He's a little younger. She's young at heart and he's mature for his age. They're both fun loving, outgoing people who like to laugh. They date casually for a few weeks, and really learned to love each others company. Just like so many relationships, they suddenly found themselves in an awkward realm when he decided to take off to Alaska for the summer to work in the great outdoors.
We'll still date, just long distance.
There's always Skype Dates.
I know lots of people who dated long distance and it worked out for them.
The time will fly by and then we'll be together before we know it.
As soon as he was gone, she missed him terribly. Thats the problem with being in the "obsessed" part of your relationship when one of the two decides to leave for four months. They chat a time or two but their schedules just didn't match. Slowly jealously sets in and they begin to fight. Not real big fights. We should call it bickering instead. Little snips here, little snaps there. Jab jab jab.
A few heated phone calls and then its over.

Here's where Facebook ruins lives:

A few dates in, she decided to change her status to say that she was in a relationship with the boy. Everyone liked it. People commented you're so cute together! Can't wait to get the announcement in the mail. Etc.
The morning after they broke up she wanted to change her status but the beautiful {sarcasm} part of facebook is that it documents the happy change AND the sad/angry change. She didn't want everyone to see that suddenly she wasn't in the relationship with the boy and she definitely doesn't want all of the notifications that say Oh no, what happened? What??? You guys were so cute together! What happened. and the classic Call me from the random girl you never talk to you.
We figured out the complicated privacy settings and changed things so that when she changed her status from In a relationship to single it would no longer show up on anyone's feed.
Weeks later. He's deleted her as a friend on Facebook.


1 comment:

  1. First of all... I LOVE this blog. Second of all... this is hilarious and so true. It reminds me of a line from "He's just not that in to you" where Dru Barrymore says we now have 14 ways of being broken up with. So true!
