Tuesday, August 21, 2012

silly little girls

one of the perks about being single and a girl is that you're allowed to get excited about boys. yes, it's slightly uncouth for you to jump around and squeal but sometimes, just sometimes, its appropriate.


Seven is the number of times i've seen the same guy in the morning time pulling up to the building where i work in a white loading truck. each and every morning i think to myself "seriously? how am i seeing him again?" well... i'm beginning to think that its fate throwing us together. the cosmos have decided that its time for me to be swept off my feet and thrown into the wild coaster of love. ha ha MFEO, right?

so naturally i run upstairs, grab two or three of the girls i work with. we run to the far window and gaze down at the beautiful man and his muscles as he works unloading large boxes. we talk about how cute our babies would be and the wonderful life we'd have together. when he casually looks up towards the building, we scream and jump around in hopes that he didn't see us spying on him.

but of course inside i really do hope that he saw me.

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