Thursday, January 24, 2013

30 in 30

An idea thats becoming a plan.
Here's the plan:  30 Dates in 30 Days >>>> Crazy right? I know. But just hear me out...

I'm creating a study of Dating. For thirty days starting February 15th until March 16th, I'll be scheduling one date per day according to my schedule and those poor souls enlisted to take me out. Saturdays can be double booked as well. Nothing extravagant. A little date to starbucks, the library, a movie, etc. Being creative is encouraged but I'm an easy going girl who's easily entertained without the theatrics. The process is simple. Fill out the questionare below and leave it in a comment or email the answers to jessathefashionista {at} gmail {dot} com. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about me before hand. If you have a cute brother, cousin or friend who you'd think wouldn't mind "participating in this study," send them my way! {I'm far more charming in person}

30 Dates in 30 Days Questionare

Name of the person going on the Date:


Contact information:(#,email,etc)


Availability or preferred day/time:


Anything else fun you'd like to share with me:

ok so I'm sure you're dying to know What is the study all about? Well thats just it, I'm not entirely sure what the study will tell us in the end, so I'm leaving that question opened ended and through observation and a little fun, we might find out some interesting things about the dating world in a different approach. If there are questions you have or ideas for these observations, let me know! I'd love to get input in all aspects so any of the Participants can add their take on the date as well. I'll be posting my observations here on this blog for the month so be sure to check back! I won't be name dropping or gossiping in any way, there are other sources for that sort of thing. {think}

Thanks in advance for your support and participation. happy dating!! xoxo

disclaimer: I'm an active Mormon and living my life accordingly. So no creepy old guys please. For my sake.